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Dr. Emily Ly-Schroeder

Education and Experience

Dr. Ly-Schroeder graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. She earned dual degrees from the State University of New York as a Doctor of Optometry and a Masters in Vision Science in which she studied how different stimuli can better detect the progression of glaucoma. Dr. Ly-Schroeder completed her residency in ocular disease by training at OMNI Eye Care of NJ.

Dr. Ly-Schroeder has over 17 years of experience in detecting and treating eye disease. She collaborates with ophthalmologists in the metropolitan NY/NJ area. Besides seeing patients for emergency eye care such as herpes zoster and simplex, stye (chalazion), and foreign body removal, she also manages myopia (nearsightedness) progression, dry eye treatment, and fits contact lenses for patients with keratoconus.

As an optometrist, Dr. Ly-Schroeder may be the first one to see and find systemic diseases in a patient when dilating and closely observing a patient’s retina. “The eye is a window to your soul” which is true in the sense that it is the window to your overall health. Diabetes, high blood pressure, neurological diseases such as M.S., alcohol poisoning, and genetic disorders can be detected simply through dilation. Dr. Ly-Schroeder looks at a patient as a whole and assesses ocular needs based on patient’s occupational and social needs, systemic health, and any preventative measures for future ocular health. She takes a patient centered, holistic approach to eye care.

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